关于我们 2010 2010 宗旨:(一)弘扬佛陀正法,同生极乐净土。(二)奉行五戒十善,利乐有情众生。(三)创建正信道场,广积福德资粮。(四)佛法融入生活,净化五浊人心。(五)推动慈善关怀,提升人文素养。愿景/目标:(一)愿佛陀正法遍化大马,处处得闻安乐法音。(二)愿智慧善巧广度同参,时时共沾殊妙法喜。(三)愿安乐之行普照十方,心心接引传灯无尽 view Upcoming RetreatsWe organize regular meetings for mentors who want to share their wisdom and for apprentices who want to find enlightenment. Learn view ResidencyWe allow the participants of our courses and retreats to stay at Monastery provided that the basic rules of discipline are respected. Learn view PhilosophyBuddhist religion is not imposed on our guests. You do not even have to be a Buddhist to come and stay as long as you wish. We teach the way of thinking, not the rules of life. Learn 0Support Groups0Special Events0Yoga Teachers0Meditation Teachers Latest Photos View all photos Our Teachers Alexa Stivens Meditation Teacher Toby Brown Meditation Teacher Valerie White Yoga Teacher Amanda Lory Yoga Teacher Cerrie Wise Marketing Committee David Woods Lending Library Committee Amanda Briks Ethics Committee Linda Watson Information Technology Richard Brenson Leadership Counsil